UPCOMING EVENTS                 OUR PILLARS                 GET CONNECTED                 OUR TEAM                 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION                 INTERNSHIPS                 WORSHIP SCHEDULE       

   UPCOMING EVENTS                 OUR PILLARS                 GET CONNECTED                 OUR TEAM   


For the salvation of souls!

Catholic Campus Ministry
at Oakland University

U P C O M I N G    E V E N T S

Register as a Grizzly Catholic Student!

Sign up here to become a registered Grizzly Catholic student and receive announcements on all of our events!

Join our Discord Group and build community with our Grizzly Catholic Campus Ministry students and mission team!

W H O   W E   S E R V E

We serve the students at Oakland University, and we are also happy to welcome other college-aged young adults and students from nearby colleges! 

- We strive to serve all Catholics by leading them into deeper lives of holiness

- We strive to serve all Christians by leading them into the fullness of truth in the Catholic Church

- We strive to serve all students by meeting them where they are, and leading them to Jesus

W H A T   W E   D O

Via, Vita, Veritas - the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

We strive to lead Oakland University students to Jesus through the Sacraments of His Church (The Way), through Faith formation opportunities (The Truth), and through building a life-changing community that shines as a beacon of light at Oakland University (The Life)!

Mass Times:
Sunday: 10:00am and 6:00pm
Thursday: 7:15pm
Saturday: 9:00am

Via — The Way

Via — The Way

The Sacraments

The Sacraments

Confession Times:
Thursday: 6:00 - 7:00pm
Saturday: 9:30 - 10:30am

As Catholics, we believe that each reception of the Sacraments is a profoundly personal encounter with Jesus. Our Lord loves us deeply and gives Himself to us through the Sacraments of His Church. See our Mass and Confession schedule below:

As Catholics, we believe that each reception of the Sacraments is a profoundly personal encounter with Jesus. Our Lord loves us deeply and gives Himself to us through the Sacraments of His Church. See our Mass and Confession schedule below:

Mass Times:
Sunday: 10:00am and 6:00pm
Thursday: 7:15pm
Saturday: 9:00am

Confession Times:
Thursday: 6:00 - 7:00pm
Saturday: 9:30 - 10:30am


Veritas — The Truth

At Grizzly Catholic, we provide opportunities for Oakland University students to build their relationships with Jesus and learn more about the Catholic Faith. We will be offering a variety of Faith formation opportunities, including FOCUS Bible studies, formation workshops, Catholic speaker events, prayer opportunities, and the Sacraments of the Church.

Vita — The Life



At Grizzly Catholic, we want to be boldly different! In a world where broken relationships, fractured families, and unhealthy friendships are all too common - we desire for our community to be a joyful light in the darkness! We aspire to build a life-changing community of believers that young people want to be a part of and that helps lead many souls to Christ.

And yes, we like to have fun! We host fun and community-building events throughout the year including: Thursday Night “Social N’ Supper” community dinners, a variety of Flex events, and more!

At Grizzly Catholic, a major part of fulfilling our mission is building a vibrant community that young people want to be apart of. In a world that is often filled with broken relationships, where so many people lack a healthy family, quality friends, and a wholesome community - we desire to be boldly different! We set out to live our Faith by example by growing our relationships with God, being joyful lights in the darkness, forming impactful relationships, and helping to help lead souls to Christ - transforming lives in the process!

And yes… We like to have fun! Check out our upcoming events and ways that YOU can get involved!

Vita — The Life

 T H E   G R I Z Z L Y    C A T H O L I C   I M P A C T

Help us to win souls for Jesus Christ on the campus of Oakland University!

Donate to
Grizzly Catholic today!