Stations of the Cross
Join us each Friday during Lent as we pray together and reflect upon the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ with the Stations of the Cross.

Legion of Mary Acies Celebration
The Legion of Mary invites you to our Acies celebration, where Legion members renew their promises. The Acies event includes Mass, rosary, and renewal of promises followed by a potluck luncheon held on Saturday, March 29th at 12:00PM at St. John Fisher Catholic Church. The Potluck will be held in the John Paul II Hall.
Come learn about the two ranks of legionary service. Active members who weekly perform spiritual works of mercy and Auxiliary members who commit to daily prayers in support of the works performed. Since its first meeting organized by its founder Frank Duff in Ireland on Sept 7, 1921, the Legion has grown into the Largest worldwide Lay Apostolate in the Catholic Church. Come and learn about its time-tested system of spiritual apprenticeship utilizing St. Louis Marie De Montfort's spirituality To Jesus Through Mary. To quote from our handbook, "The object of the Legion of Mary is the Glory of God through the Holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation, under ecclesiastical guidance, in Mary's and in the Church's work of crushing the head of the serpent and advancing the reign of Christ."
For more information visit: www.legionofmary.org
Or for any questions contact:
Ian at 248-993-2531
RSVPs by Wednesday, March 26th would be greatly appreciated.

Legion of Mary
Join us for our next Legion of Mary meeting — a group devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Meetings take place at 7pm on Tuesdays in the Thomas More Room of the lower level.
Click HERE for more information.

That Man is You! Meeting
ATTENTION MEN OF ST. JOHN FISHER (ages 18-98): Are you looking to deepen your relationship with God? Looking to be a better husband (or future husband)? Become a more loving father (or future father)? Build friendships with other like-minded men? And seek to be the best man you can be?
Then Come Join…That Man is You!
THAT MAN IS YOU! is an interactive men's program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, That Man is You! Seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society.
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:30am in JPG Hall
Click HERE to register.

Becoming Catholic (OCIA) Meeting
Anyone interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith is welcome to come to our weekly OCIA meetings. Meetings will take place in the lower level hall of the parish.
Click HERE to find out more information.

Young Adult Women’s Group
Join us for our weekly Catholic Young Adult Women’s Group (ages 18 - 35). Each meeting will include opportunities to grow in your relationship with God and with other faithful women!
Click HERE for more information.

Endow Women’s Group
Join our Endow Women’s Group for a time of prayer and study together. Women of all ages are welcome. Meetings take place in JPG Hall from 10:00am - 12:00pm on the first and second Thursdays of each month.

Grizzly Catholic Social ‘n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Out
College Students: Join us for Social ’n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Outs each Thursday night at St. John Fisher Parish the school year! We will enjoy good food and fellowship amongst our Campus Ministry student community. All students are welcome!
Confession/Adoration (6pm) and Holy Mass (7:15pm) are available before the dinner begins.

Stations of the Cross
Join us each Friday during Lent as we pray together and reflect upon the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ with the Stations of the Cross.

Martha, Mary, & Lazarus Meeting
All are invited to attend our next Martha, Mary, & Lazarus Meeting where we will work on various projects and housekeeping tasks around the parish.
Click HERE for more information.

Grizzly Catholic Night Hike at Stoney Creek Metro Park
Join Grizzly Catholic Campus Ministry for a late-night hike at Stoney Creek Metro Park!
**The hike will be from 7:45 - 9:45pm. If you would like to carpool, please meet at St. John Fisher at 7:15pm.

Marriage Ministry: Stations of the Cross
Inviting all married couples to a night of dinner, fellowship, and a time of prayer with the Stations of the Cross.
RSVP Preferred by Monday, April 7 via email to marriageministry@sjfchapel.org.

Grizzly Catholic Social ‘n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Out
College Students: Join us for Social ’n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Outs each Thursday night at St. John Fisher Parish the school year! We will enjoy good food and fellowship amongst our Campus Ministry student community. All students are welcome!
Confession/Adoration (6pm) and Holy Mass (7:15pm) are available before the dinner begins.

Holy Face Relic at St. John Fisher
St. John Fisher will be hosting a sanctioned Vatican Relic of Veronica’s Veil (sanctioned under Pope Pius IX Pontificate - 1855). The relic will be available in the church all week for veneration.

*Wednesday* Grizzly Catholic Social ‘n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Out
College Students: Join us for Social ’n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Outs each Thursday night at St. John Fisher Parish the school year! We will enjoy good food and fellowship amongst our Campus Ministry student community. All students are welcome!
Confession/Adoration (6pm) and Holy Mass (7:15pm) are available before the dinner begins.

Grizzly Catholic Holy Thursday 7 Churches Visitation
Holy Thursday Mass at St. John Fisher: 7:15pm
7 Churches Visitation: 9pm
Click HERE for St. John Fisher’s full Holy Week schedule.
Join Grizzly Catholic Campus Ministry for an old Catholic tradition of visiting Our Lord at 7 different churches on Holy Thursday and reflecting on His Sorrowful Passion. The 7 churches represent the 7 final places Jesus went before His death:
1) Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
2) Jesus before Annas
3) Jesus before Caiaphas
4) Jesus before Pilate
5) Jesus before Herod
6) Jesus before Pilate again
7) Jesus’s crucifixion and death
A to-go dinner will be provided following Mass.

Grizzly Catholic Good Friday Cross Procession
Good Friday Cross Procession: 12:05pm
(Meet at St. John Fisher)
Good Friday Service at St. John Fisher: 3pm
Tenebrae Service at St. John Fisher: 8pm
Click HERE for St. John Fisher’s full Holy Week schedule.
Join us for a Grizzly Catholic tradition of processing on-campus at Oakland University with our wooden cross in commemoration of Our Lord’s Passion.
We will meet at St. John Fisher and process from there to campus at Oakland University and back.

Grizzly Catholic Easter Vigil BBQ + Bonfire After-Party!
Easter Vigil Mass: 8:30pm
BBQ + Bonfire After-Party: 11:30pm
Click HERE for St. John Fisher’s full Holy Week schedule.
Join us in joyful celebration of our redemption and of Our Lord’s resurrection! We will celebrate with a late-night BBQ and bonfire on the back-deck following the Easter Vigil Mass.

Parish Mission: Jesus, the Master of Mercy
Join us for a 3-night parish mission led by Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM on the topic, “Jesus, the Master of Mercy”.
The schedule is as follows:
The Master of Mercy:
The Meaning of Divine Mercy
(Sunday April 27: 6pm Mass | 7pm Talk)
Abundant Insufficiency
Jesus’ Miraculous Manna
(Monday April 28: 6pm Mass | 7pm Talk)
The Bathing of Souls:
Jesus’ Ongoing Mercy in Confession
(Tuesday April 29: 6pm Mass | 7pm Talk)
*Confessions will be available on Tuesday, 4/29 at 7:30pm

Grizzly Catholic Social ‘n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Out
College Students: Join us for Social ’n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Outs each Thursday night at St. John Fisher Parish the school year! We will enjoy good food and fellowship amongst our Campus Ministry student community. All students are welcome!
Confession/Adoration (6pm) and Holy Mass (7:15pm) are available before the dinner begins.

Young Adult Women’s Group
Join us for our weekly Catholic Young Adult Women’s Group (ages 18 - 35). Each meeting will include opportunities to grow in your relationship with God and with other faithful women!
Click HERE for more information.

Becoming Catholic (OCIA) Meeting
Anyone interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith is welcome to come to our weekly OCIA meetings. Meetings will take place in the lower level hall of the parish.
Click HERE to find out more information.

That Man is You! Meeting
ATTENTION MEN OF ST. JOHN FISHER (ages 18-98): Are you looking to deepen your relationship with God? Looking to be a better husband (or future husband)? Become a more loving father (or future father)? Build friendships with other like-minded men? And seek to be the best man you can be?
Then Come Join…That Man is You!
THAT MAN IS YOU! is an interactive men's program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, That Man is You! Seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society.
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:30am in JPG Hall
Click HERE to register.

Legion of Mary
Join us for our next Legion of Mary meeting — a group devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Meetings take place at 7pm on Tuesdays in the Thomas More Room of the lower level.
Click HERE for more information.

Evening of Encounter
Join us for a beautiful night of worship and healing prayer! We will have praise and worship Adoration, prayer ministry teams available, and a reflection given by Fr. Jason Brooks, L.C.
Click HERE for more information.

Right to Life Youth March for Life Informational
Right to Life - LIFESPAN will host a meeting at St. John Fisher to discuss details for their youth bus trip to the March for Life in January 2026. All youth are invited to attend.
Please contact Lynn Gura for more information: 248-816-1546 or oakmac@rtl-lifespan.org.

Stations of the Cross
Join us each Friday during Lent as we pray together and reflect upon the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ with the Stations of the Cross.

Grizzly Catholic Social ‘n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Out
College Students: Join us for Social ’n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Outs each Thursday night at St. John Fisher Parish the school year! We will enjoy good food and fellowship amongst our Campus Ministry student community. All students are welcome!
Confession/Adoration (6pm) and Holy Mass (7:15pm) are available before the dinner begins.

Young Adult Women’s Group
Join us for our weekly Catholic Young Adult Women’s Group (ages 18 - 35). Each meeting will include opportunities to grow in your relationship with God and with other faithful women!
Click HERE for more information.

Becoming Catholic (OCIA) Meeting
Anyone interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith is welcome to come to our weekly OCIA meetings. Meetings will take place in the lower level hall of the parish.
Click HERE to find out more information.

That Man is You! Meeting
ATTENTION MEN OF ST. JOHN FISHER (ages 18-98): Are you looking to deepen your relationship with God? Looking to be a better husband (or future husband)? Become a more loving father (or future father)? Build friendships with other like-minded men? And seek to be the best man you can be?
Then Come Join…That Man is You!
THAT MAN IS YOU! is an interactive men's program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, That Man is You! Seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society.
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:30am in JPG Hall
Click HERE to register.

High School Night
All high school students are invited to join for our monthly High School Nights. We will host a variety of fun and faith-filled events over the course of the school year.

Legion of Mary
Join us for our next Legion of Mary meeting — a group devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Meetings take place at 7pm on Tuesdays in the Thomas More Room of the lower level.
Click HERE for more information.

Lenten Retreat: “Prayer, Fasting, & Almsgiving - A Path to Holiness”
Join Grizzly Catholic for an overnight Lenten retreat at St. John Fisher! The retreat’s focus is on growing in holiness, with an emphasis on the Lenten pillars of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
2 Masses
Overnight Eucharistic Adoration
Breakfast & Dinner
Individual & guided prayer time
Games & fun
Talks on prayer, fasting, & almsgiving
Small groups
Joining us: Fr. Steve Mateja and Chaldean seminarian, Anthony Simon!
Please RSVP by clicking HERE!

Young Sacristans Program
All young ladies ages 10+ are invited to join our Young Sacristans Program training. We will meet on the third Saturday of each month from 10:00 - 11:00am.

Stations of the Cross
Join us each Friday during Lent as we pray together and reflect upon the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ with the Stations of the Cross.

Grizzly Catholic Social ‘n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Out
College Students: Join us for Social ’n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Outs each Thursday night at St. John Fisher Parish the school year! We will enjoy good food and fellowship amongst our Campus Ministry student community. All students are welcome!
Confession/Adoration (6pm) and Holy Mass (7:15pm) are available before the dinner begins.

FRED Meeting
Our First Responders Emergency Detail (FRED) Team will be having an informational meeting to update emergency protocols. Anyone with a background in the medical field or with an interest in ensuring safety at our parish is invited to attend.

Endow Women’s Group
Join our Endow Women’s Group for a time of prayer and study together. Women of all ages are welcome. Meetings take place in JPG Hall from 10:00am - 12:00pm on the first and second Thursdays of each month.

Young Adult Women’s Group
Join us for our weekly Catholic Young Adult Women’s Group (ages 18 - 35). Each meeting will include opportunities to grow in your relationship with God and with other faithful women!
Click HERE for more information.

Becoming Catholic (OCIA) Meeting
Anyone interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith is welcome to come to our weekly OCIA meetings. Meetings will take place in the lower level hall of the parish.
Click HERE to find out more information.

Living Within Your Means: Budgeting & Finance Workshop
Parishioners Joe and Jeanne Langlois will present a budget and finance workshop. Topics will include:
Living within your means
Buying or renting a house
Student loan and debt payment
Understanding types of saving
How to create and maintain a budget
All engaged/married couples and young adults are welcome to attend. There will be plenty of Q&A time - please come with any questions you have!
Dinner will be provided.
RSVP to Meredith Parker at mjlanglois3@gmail.com.
Joe Langlois is an attorney, a real estate broker, and a Certified Public Accountant with over 35 years of experience working in corporate, estate, and tax law. His wife, Jeanne, has a background in commercial banking and served as the treasurer in local government for 8 years.

That Man is You! Meeting
ATTENTION MEN OF ST. JOHN FISHER (ages 18-98): Are you looking to deepen your relationship with God? Looking to be a better husband (or future husband)? Become a more loving father (or future father)? Build friendships with other like-minded men? And seek to be the best man you can be?
Then Come Join…That Man is You!
THAT MAN IS YOU! is an interactive men's program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, That Man is You! Seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society.
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:30am in JPG Hall
Click HERE to register.

Legion of Mary
Join us for our next Legion of Mary meeting — a group devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Meetings take place at 7pm on Tuesdays in the Thomas More Room of the lower level.
Click HERE for more information.

Martha, Mary, & Lazarus Meeting
All are invited to attend our next Martha, Mary, & Lazarus Meeting where we will work on various projects and housekeeping tasks around the parish.
Click HERE for more information.

Stations of the Cross
Join us each Friday during Lent as we pray together and reflect upon the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ with the Stations of the Cross.

Grizzly Catholic Social ‘n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Out
College Students: Join us for Social ’n Supper - Community Dinner Hang-Outs each Thursday night at St. John Fisher Parish the school year! We will enjoy good food and fellowship amongst our Campus Ministry student community. All students are welcome!
Confession/Adoration (6pm) and Holy Mass (7:15pm) are available before the dinner begins.

Endow Women’s Group
Join our Endow Women’s Group for a time of prayer and study together. Women of all ages are welcome. Meetings take place in JPG Hall from 10:00am - 12:00pm on the first and second Thursdays of each month.

Young Adult Women’s Group
Join us for our weekly Catholic Young Adult Women’s Group (ages 18 - 35). Each meeting will include opportunities to grow in your relationship with God and with other faithful women!
Click HERE for more information.